WHAT'S IN the January/March 2004 issue of PLANNING IN LONDON, issue 48
2 OPINION Stand up for planning; What Katie does next
3-13 NEWS & BRIEFING London loses out in transport stakes; Planning performance by London boroughs; applications July-Sept 2003; PILLO! The digital divide; Diary; Next LP&DF meeting; Letters; Its noise not overlooking; LP&DF minutes; The London Conference, report; An everyday story by Dr Matthew Carmona of UCL
14 LONDON FIRST Planning tariffs; Olympic bid; planning awards
17 STRATFORD CITY Stephen Jordan, MD of London & Continental Railways and Fiona Scott on creating an urban interchange
22 INTELLIGENT TRANSPORT Brokering for better public transport: Dr Jenny Mageean of TORG, Newcastle University
26 FUNDING TRANSPORT BPF chief executive, Liz Peace
27 AIRPORT DEVELOPMENTS DEGWs Philip Tidd on the opportunities
30 STREETS ..of fear and of fun: Philip Connolly
32 DEVELOPMENT SCHEMES GLAs Farah Humayun on replacing UDPs
34 TAKEAWAYS A class of their own: Dominos Pizzas John Cox
35 CITY GROWTH STRATEGY LDAs Eric Osei on business-led development
37 SUB-REGIONAL PLANS Robin Thompson on sustainable communities
39 ARTY ARCHITECTS David Beardmore of G L Hearn has a go
41 BUILDINGS AT RISK More than rescuing ruins, says EHs Delcia Keate
44 LOW COST HOMES Ruth Bagnall, chair of LGA Housing Executive
45 SAFER STREETS UCLs Prof. Bill Hillier provides the missing evidence on security by design
50 KNOWLEDGE ECONOMY Mark Hepworth on planning for the 21st Century
53 SUBURBAN IMPROVEMENT Districts: Alexandra Rook of the Civic Trust
55 BOOKS Dan Lewis on energy; Andrew Justice on Sharp DIRECTORY OF LONDON PLANNING
57 Internet guide to planning authorities
58 Quick guide to London authorities
59 Planning Advice
60 PiL Yearbook 2004: how to get it!